The clinic Elysium has met the accreditation process, the first version as part of a private health institution with a multidisciplinary surgical activity.

The legal framework for stand-alone cosmetic surgery is set. Law 2002-303 of March 4, 2002, 2005-776 and 2005-777 decrees of 11 July 2005 and the circular of 23 December 2005 set out the licensing scheme and the rules governing cosmetic surgery facilities.
These facilities require an operating license.
After investigating the case by the Prefect, the authorization to operate is issued for five years, subject to compliance of facilities in eighteen months.

The legal provisions require that the facilities authorized to practice cosmetic surgery must be certified by the HAS. According to Article L .6322-1 CSP, they can not engage in the certification process after the visit of compliance.
The visits are being planned.

For more information on the legal framework for health activities, visit the website of the HAS or view them on account of V1 certification with the follow-up that has satisfied the clinic Elysium.

Certification of health facilities is an external and independent evaluation of the institution. Conducted by health professionals recruited and trained by the HAS, it covers the entire organization and practices of the institution. It exists in many other countries and aims to improve the quality of care in health facilities and public access to information on the level of services provided.

In France, the certification of health facilities is governed by the law. Of regulations govern the device. The competent body to drive the certification process is the Health Authority, formerly Anaes (National Agency for Accreditation and Evaluation in Health), through the certification of health facilities. This service is responsible for organizing and conducting the certification procedures.

Certification of health facilities is intended to promote better organization of the institution in the service of the care recipient and to promote a policy of continuous development of quality within institutions. To do this, the HAS is based on specific criteria for assessing the structures, functioning and results of schools in terms of quality of care and patient satisfaction.

Currently we are part of a second version of certification began in May 2005 and will continue until 2010.


Certification of health facilities (ex-accreditation *) indicates a willingness to improve the quality of perennial of patient care. All health facilities (public and private) is required to be part of this process. The certification is different from the inspection and emphasizes the participation of professionals of the establishment. Indeed, they are asked to make an assessment of their own institution, a diagnostic quality based on reference material provided by the HAS. This « self-evaluation » is then passed to the team of experts appointed by the HAS to conduct on-site assessment. This multidisciplinary team of visiting experts is composed of health professionals (doctors, managers, caregivers).


Within the Health Authority, the certification of health facilities is dedicated to organize and conduct the proceedings. It consists primarily of health professionals (doctors, nurses, quality managers ..). To achieve the certification visit, the service makes use of skilled health professionals (the visiting experts) who are recruited and trained by the mission training. Finally, the service works closely with a special Commission, the Commission for certification of health institutions responsible for rule certification decisions of each institution. This Commission is composed of individuals recognized for their experience in the organization of care.

The regulations

Several regulations governing the certification scheme of health facilities. The foundational text behind the accreditation of health facilities * is « Juppe Order » in 1996. This order created the National Agency for Accreditation and Health Evaluation (Anaes), a public administration under the Ministry of Health. It states that all health facilities have five years (until 2001) to engage in an accreditation process mandated and conducted by the Anaes. The clear objective is to improve the quality and safety of care in health facilities. In 2002, « Kouchner Law » on patients’ rights focuses on patient information, including through access to medical records. Légslateur in 2004 created the National Health Authority (HAS) and gives the entire mission of Anaes including certification of health facilities. This law also marks a change of terminology, the term « certification » is substituted for the term « accreditation ».

The international certification

Certification of health facilities is located in a double current international where external evaluation of professionally designed to encourage quality improvement and where the evaluation of the quality level reached today meets the expectations of a public increasingly demanding for information on the quality of services rendered.

This is the United States in 1917 that surgeons concerned about the competence of their peers and the safety of health facilities were first committed to develop benchmarks to assess these two dimensions. It was not until 1951 that is based, still in the United States, the first organization to coordinate the conduct of certification procedures. Subsequently, many countries have embarked on similar initiatives.

Inspired by the Canadian and U.S. models, the French procedure of certification of health facilities is focused on the course and empowers the patient by establishing an educational approach. Today the HAS has an important place in the international certification. She is a member of international organizations, development cooperation activities and numerous partnerships and meetings to promote the sharing of experiences and skills transfer.